14 research outputs found

    The Quantum Mechanics of Two Interacting Realities

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    We consider how two physical realities can be represented over a common set of spacetime coordinates. As an example we will utilize quantum electrodynamics since this is a familiar and well-understood theory. We will designate one world the 'red' one and the other the 'green' one. We will try to show how they can interact in a physically plausible way. We will also examine whether such an interacting theory is renormalizable. It will be shown that we can extend these ideas to the Standard Model. There are implications for this theory if we consider General Relativity and these will be discussed briefly

    The Quantum Mechanics of Two Interacting Realities

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    We consider how two physical realities can be represented over a common set of spacetime coordinates. As an example we will utilize quantum electrodynamics since this is a familiar and well-understood theory. We will designate one world the 'red' one and the other the 'green' one. We will try to show how they can interact in a physically plausible way. We will also examine whether such an interacting theory is renormalizable. It will be shown that we can extend these ideas to the Standard Model. There are implications for this theory if we consider General Relativity and these will be discussed briefly

    Consciousness and Quantum Measurement

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    A variant of the von Neumann-Wigner Interpretation is proposed. It does not make use of the familiar language of wave functions and observers. Instead it pictures the state of the physical world as a vector in a Fock space and, therefore not, literally, a function of any spacetime coordinates. And, rather than segregating consciousness into individual points of view (each carrying with it a sense of its proper time), this model proposes only unitary states of consciousness, Q(t), where t represents a fiducial time with respect to which both the state of the physical world and the state of consciousness evolve. This would seem to impose a preferred Lorentz frame on the world. But it will be argued that no physical violations of relativity are engendered thereby

    Consciousness and Quantum Measurement

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    A variant of the von Neumann-Wigner Interpretation is proposed. It does not make use of the familiar language of wave functions and observers. Instead it pictures the state of the physical world as a vector in a Fock space and, therefore not, literally, a function of any spacetime coordinates. And, rather than segregating consciousness into individual points of view (each carrying with it a sense of its proper time), this model proposes only unitary states of consciousness, Q(t), where t represents a fiducial time with respect to which both the state of the physical world and the state of consciousness evolve. This would seem to impose a preferred Lorentz frame on the world. But it will be argued that no physical violations of relativity are engendered thereby

    The Quantum Mechanics of Two Interacting Realities

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    We consider how two physical realities can be represented over a common set of spacetime coordinates. As an example we will utilize quantum electrodynamics since this is a familiar and well-understood theory. We will designate one world the 'red' one and the other the 'green' one. We will try to show how they can interact in a physically plausible way. We will also examine whether such an interacting theory is renormalizable. It will be shown that we can extend these ideas to the Standard Model. There are implications for this theory if we consider General Relativity and these will be discussed briefly. If there are, in fact, such other realities these could provide a plausible explanation for dark matter

    Brains as Quantum Mechanical Systems - A New Model

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    We consider the possibility that the brain functions in the manner of a conscious quantum computer. The processes that instantiate its consciousness - the physical correlates of consciousness - are suggested to be quantum mechanical in nature rather than entirely classical. This idea is by no means new. But specific physical models are hard to come by; it is not obvious what kind of physical process might give us something like qubits. We begin by approximating a synapse as a small, parallel-plate capacitor. We find that the classical electromagnetic energy stored in such a synapse corresponds closely to the spacing of energy levels we would obtain were the capacitor to be quantized. Intrigued by this surprising observation, we propose a new model of the brain as a partially quantum mechanical system. Its potential evolutionary benefits are discussed briefly

    Brains as Quantum Mechanical Systems - A New Model

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    We consider the possibility that the brain functions in the manner of a conscious quantum computer. The processes that instantiate its consciousness – the physical correlates of consciousness – are suggested to be fundamentally quantum mechanical in nature rather than classical. This idea is by no means new. But specific physical models are hard to come by; it is not obvious what kind of physical process might give us something like qubits. The Hameroff-Penrose Microtubule Hypothesis is one example. We begin by approximating a synapse as a small, parallel plate capacitor. We find that the classical electromagnetic energy stored in such a synapse corresponds closely to the spacing of energy levels we would obtain were the capacitor to be quantized. Considering each synapse to be an independent oscillator, we can define something like a Fock space in which the quantum state of the brain is to be represented. We designate the state vector in this space |W(t)>. Some |W(t)> correspond to definite states of consciousness and are deemed 'admissible.' The others correspond mixed and indefinite qualia states. These are deemed 'inadmissible.' State vectors collapse so as to preclude the occurrence of inadmissible states

    Brains as Quantum Mechanical Systems - A New Model

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    We consider the possibility that the brain functions somewhat in the manner of a quantum mechanical system. The processes that instantiate its consciousness – the physical correlates of consciousness – are suggested to be partly quantum mechanical in nature rather than entirely classical. This idea is by no means new. But specific physical models are hard to come by. We begin by approximating a synapse as a small, parallel-plate capacitor. We find that the classical electromagnetic energy stored in such a synapse corresponds closely to the spacing of energy levels we would obtain were the capacitor to be treated as a quantum mechanical system. Intrigued by this surprising observation, we propose a new model of the brain as a partially quantum mechanical system. Its potential evolutionary benefits are discussed briefly

    Quantum Measurements and their Place in Nature

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    A variant of the von Neumann-Wigner Interpretation is proposed. Problems arising from the quantum Zeno effect are addressed as we have described previously. We do, however, offer some new and, perhaps, unexpected observations. We are accustomed to thinking of wave function collapse as occurring consequent to laboratory measurements. We speculate that, whatever physical correlate of consciousness exists within the brain, it is quantum mechanical in the sense that a brain, left to itself, would eventually decohere into a state no longer compatible with its conscious functioning. Wave function collapse returns it to a state compatible with consciousness. Indeed, this may be its important reason for occurring. A universe without it simply could not play host to conscious brains. The fact that it also prevents us from encountering "absurd" situations in the laboratory is merely a fortunate dividend. Whenever a quantum measurement is made the universe's future history splits into a number of possibilities. This number may be very large or infinite. And we believe consciousness plays a vital role in this happening. A "conscious" universe where quantum measurements are being made allows for an enormous number of equally acceptable world-histories. An "unconscious" one, always evolving in a unitary fashion, allows for only one. If we assume that the decision as to which worldhistory is the real one (i.e. this one) is made at random we see that the universe is overwhelmingly more likely to be "conscious" than not